نه چرا ناراحت بشم حقیقت زندگی تلخه.............میدونم ولی من کم اوردم..................نمیکشم.......اره همی که خدا عکس العملی نسبت بهم نشون نمیده اعصابمو خورد کرده ..........نمیخام ناشکری کنم ولی بسمه دیگه توان ندارم..................ائنیم که گفتم بهت توی فضای مجازی نیس.............خلاصه خسمه خیلی بیشتر از اون چیزی که فک کنی دلم گرفته....................فعلا بای بابام خونس نمیتونم چت کنم تو حرفی داری زود بزن منتظرم.......فقط منطقی باشه..........:41:
سلام میگم من میخام کتاب درسی زیست دوم رو دانلود کنم ولی برنامه پی دی افم خراب شده ینی پاک شده برنامشم نداره من کتاب لازم دارم چیکار کنم؟؟کمکم کنید؟؟؟؟؟؟لطفا مرسی:180:
اون قبلیا رو پاک کن.........میگمااااااا ی سامری باهال از ای مته نه کم نه زیاد فقط مفید...........برا امشب مبخاما..........ممنون روش حساب کردمااااااا........لازممهااااااااااا...........منتظرم..مرسی
people used to know more or less how their childern would live.now things are changing so quickly that we dont even know what our own lives will be lhke in a few years.what follows is not science fiction.it is how experts see the future.you are daydreaming behind the wheel of your car:but that is ok.you have it on automatic pilot and whit its high-tech computers and cameras.your car knows how to get you home safely.you are hungry so you head for the kitchen as soon as you get home.you ordered groceries by computer an hour ago and you know that by now they"ve arrived.your kitchen has a two-way refrigerator which opens to the outside to outside to accept deliveries.you've already paid for the food by having the money subtracted from your bank account.nobody uses cash anymore.
what's for lunch?in the old days you used to stop off to buy a hamburder or pizza.now you use your diagnostic machine to find out which foods your body needs.you find out you need more vegetables and less fat.your food-preparation machine makes you salad.after lunch you go diwn the hall to your home office.here you have everything you need for doing your work.thanks to your information screen and your new computer you almost never go into the office anymore.:91: