پاسخ : سوال امتحانی
Topoisomerase IA , IB وابسته به ATP نيستند !!!
ولي جالب اينجاست إز ميان تمام توبوايزومراز ها فقط topoisomerase IB وابسته به metal نيست !!!
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يك نكته ي خيلي خيلي حالب :
type IA topoisomerases do
not use energy to do its work (with the notable exception of reverse gyrase, see below).
منبع :
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اين هم براي topoisomerase IB :
The topoisomerase also does not use ATP during uncoiling of the DNA; rather, the torque present in the DNA drives the uncoiling and proceeds on average energetically downhill.
منبع :