سلام خوبید؟
اگه جواب اینارو میدونید بگید :4:
مناسب ترین گزینه رو انتخاب کنید
i am really trying to ................ my way of living
1)rise 2)change 3) order 4)draw
she ............ all his old letters angrily
1)burned 2)grew 3)wore 4)borrowed
they ............... clean the room once more.didnot they?
1)could 2)have to 3) had to 4)must
سوال کوتاه بسازید
. ............. there were some clouds in the sky
با استفاده از دانش زبنی خود کامل کنید
................. mary.donot etell anyone what i said to you . it is a
گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید
?................. do you believe that
1) is he a doctor
2) built the first steam engine
3) they could hardly walk
4) does she have an expensive car
some birds flew over the water..............?
علامت سوال و نقطه چین رو بیار اخرش :4:
1(did they
2) donot they
3)didnot they
4)do they
کلمات منفی رو چون نشد به صورت مخفف بنویسم با نات نوشتم
جواب های قرمز رنگ جواب های خودمه
اگه جواب اینارو میدونید بگید :4:
مناسب ترین گزینه رو انتخاب کنید
i am really trying to ................ my way of living
1)rise 2)change 3) order 4)draw
she ............ all his old letters angrily
1)burned 2)grew 3)wore 4)borrowed
they ............... clean the room once more.didnot they?
1)could 2)have to 3) had to 4)must
سوال کوتاه بسازید
. ............. there were some clouds in the sky
با استفاده از دانش زبنی خود کامل کنید
................. mary.donot etell anyone what i said to you . it is a
گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید
?................. do you believe that
1) is he a doctor
2) built the first steam engine
3) they could hardly walk
4) does she have an expensive car
some birds flew over the water..............?
علامت سوال و نقطه چین رو بیار اخرش :4:
1(did they
2) donot they
3)didnot they
4)do they
کلمات منفی رو چون نشد به صورت مخفف بنویسم با نات نوشتم
جواب های قرمز رنگ جواب های خودمه