[h=5]Submitting[/h]Contestants must submit their solutions by using the CMS. The appropriate task name and submission files are determined by the current directory (folder). Participant workstations will be pre-configured with such a directory for each task. Solutions for tasks may be submitted at any time. However, contestants may submit at most once per task per minute. For programming task, the programming language used by the contestants is determined based on the solution file extension:
Pascal – *.pas,
C – *.c,
C++ – *.cpp.
Each submitted source program must be written in C, C++ or Pascal, it must be smaller than 100 KB, the evaluation server must be able to compile it in less than 10 seconds and at most 256 MB of memory. No other extensions different than the ones listed above will be run. For output-only tasks, the file extension of each output file must be .txt. Contestants may submit their solutions at most 64 times per task, unless otherwise stated in the task description.