نمونه سوال المپیاد زیست(انگلیسی)

Fatima !!!!!

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پاسخ : نمونه سوال المپیاد زیست(انگلیسی)

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Anonymous MR

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پاسخ : نمونه سوال المپیاد زیست(انگلیسی)

هر کس حل کرد یا توی حل سوالی مشکل داشت بزاره تا با هم بحث کنیم.:5:
ارسال ها
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پاسخ : نمونه سوال المپیاد زیست(انگلیسی)

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اگر آدوب دارید همینطوری هم باز میکنه!:)

saba kh

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پاسخ : نمونه سوال المپیاد زیست(انگلیسی)

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مشکل اینه که ورژن آدوب 8 یا 9 ویندوز من قبول نمیکنه!حالا نمیشه شما مرحمت کنید همین جا سوالارو بزارید؟!:25:
ارسال ها
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پاسخ : نمونه سوال المپیاد زیست(انگلیسی)

Written examination 1 – June​
The examination criteria and description were published in the​
VCAA Biology Assessment Handbook 2006.There will be two Biology examinations. Unit 3 will be assessed in Examination 1 (midyear) and Unit 4 willbe assessed in Examination 2 (end of year).The duration of each examination will be 90 minutes plus 15 minutes reading time.The examination paper will require students to respond to a series of items related to Outcomes 1 and 2 in Unit 3and the key skills outlined on page 12 of the Study Design.Each outcome will be weighted approximately equally on the examination.
Area of study Marks allocated %​
Molecules of life 45–55Detecting and responding 45–55The examinations will assess a representative sample of the key knowledge and skills that underpin the outcomesof each unit. While students will not be required to complete practical exercises within the examination, theymay be asked to draw on their practical experiences when answering questions.​
Structure and format​
The structure and format of the examination for the revised Biology study (2006–2009) will be the same as in2005.The examination paper will be presented in a question and answer book and will have two sections.​
Section A​
will consist of 20–25 multiple-choice questions. Each question will be worth 1 mark. Students willbe required to mark their responses on a multiple-choice answer sheet.
Section B​
will consist of short-answer questions and will be worth 50 marks.Teachers may refer to past examination papers for examples of questions. Some relevant examples are providedon pages 8–9.
Other relevant references​
Teachers should refer to the Examination section of the​
VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook 2006, VCAABiology Assessment Handbook, the VCE Biology Study page on the VCAA website: www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/vce/studies/biology/biologyindex.html and to the VCAA Bulletin for further advice during the year. AssessmentReports on the written examinations may also contain helpful advice.
Sample questions​
The following sample questions indicate the type and range of questions teachers and students can expect onthe new key knowledge and skills in the revised Biology Examination 1 in June 2006. They are not intendedto form the basis of a sample examination paper.​
Biology – Sample examination questions – Version 2 – May 2006 2​
Sample questions – examination 1​
Please note​
There may be some overlap in content in the following sample questions. Overlap that gives signi​
fi cant cluesto other questions is avoided on examination papers.
Section A – Multiple-choice questions​
Question 1*Key knowledge: Stability and change in the internal environmentKey skill: Investigate and inquire scienti​
fi cally, analyse and synthesise data
The graph below shows the effect of environmental temperature on the metabolic rate of two mammals. Thezero rate of metabolism represents the basal metabolic rate for each mammal.From the information given you could conclude that​
mammal A would be shivering when the air temperature is –50°C.
mammal B would be sweating when the air temperature is 20°C.
mammal B would have a thicker insulating layer of fat than mammal A.
vasodilation of skin blood vessels of mammal A would occur when air temperature is –10°C.
* Aspects of this question, such as the term ‘basal metabolic rate’, would be explained if this question appeared in an examination.​
mammal A mammal B2. rate(arbitrary units)–70 –60 –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40environmental temperature (°C)​
Biology – Sample examination questions – Version 2 – May 2006 3​
Question 2Key knowledge: Energy transformationsKey skill: Apply biological understandings​
Photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria live together as a colony of cells. They group together in a ring about asingle anaerobic bacterium as shown in the diagram below.It is reasonable to assume that​
the photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria trap light at the grana in their chloroplasts and form organicmaterial.
oxygen produced by the green sulfur bacteria during photosynthesis would be used by the centralbacterium.
the central bacterium relies on the green sulfur bacteria for organic material for respiration and it suppliesthe green sulfur bacteria with carbon dioxide.
the central bacterium would supply energy to the green sulfur bacteria.
Question 3Key knowledge: Signalling molecules and signal transductionKey skill: Apply biological understandings​
Steroid hormones and amino acid hormones both stimulate their target cells. The two kinds of hormone havedifferent mechanisms to initiate responses within their target cells.Steroid hormones​
attach to protein receptors on the membranes of their target cells.
form a hormone-receptor complex that binds to a site on a DNA molecule.
use a G protein to stimulate an effector within a target cell membrane.
bring about an initial response of carbohydrate molecule production.
anaerobicbacteriumphotosyntheticgreen sulfurbacteria​
Biology – Sample examination questions – Version 2 – May 2006 4​
Section B – Short-answer questions​
Question 1Key knowledge: Chemical nature of the cellKey skills:​
Aspects of all three areas
• Investigate and inquire scienti​
fi cally• Apply biological understanding and• Communicate biological information and understanding
A scienti​
fi c analysis was conducted on three samples of biomacromolecules. The samples are known to beprotein, polysaccharide or nucleic acid. The analysis yielded the following results.
27 49 24 0 0 0
29 49 13 8 1 0
35 21 26 14 0 4
Identify which one of the samples is most likely to be a protein. Give one reason for your choice.2 marks
The nucleic acid involved is known to be DNA. List the three structural components of a DNAnucleotide.1 mark
The samples were prepared from living cells. Describe one precaution that should be observed whenhandling live material in the laboratory.1 markTotal 4 marks
Biology – Sample examination questions – Version 2 – May 2006 5​
Question 2Key knowledge: Chemical nature of the cellKey skills:​
Aspects of all three areas
• Investigate and inquire scienti​
fi cally• Apply biological understanding and• Communicate biological information and understanding
Biomacromolecules are made of many numbers of individual subunits. For example, proteins are made of largenumbers of amino acids linked together.​
a. i.​
Name one other kind of biomacromolecule found in living cells.
Where in a cell would you fi nd the biomacromolecule named in part i. of this question?
Name the subunits that combine to form the biomacromolecule named in part i. of this question.1 + 1 + 1 = 3 marksHaemoglobin, a biomacromolecule found in red blood cells, contains four polypeptide chains. Two of thesechains are called alpha chains and two are called beta chains. Different forms of alpha and beta chains exist.Four different forms of the beta chain are Hb – A, Hb – S, Hb – C and Hb – G. The differences in the chainsarise because of differences in amino acid composition at positions 6 and 7 of the chains.The four amino acids in positions 6 and 7 in each of these chains is listed in the following table.
Amino acidposition in chainsHb – A Hb – S Hb – C Hb – G6​
glu’ val lys glu
glu glu glu glyThe DNA code for the amino acids in positions 6 and 7 are shown in the following table.
Amino acid DNA triplets that code for the amino acids​
glu CTT or CTCval CAA or CAG or CAT or CAClys AAA or AAGgly GGT or GGC or GGA or GGG​
Explain what makes a DNA code distinctive from an RNA code.1 mark
c. i.​
Considering positions 6 and 7 only, how many different DNA sequences could result in the formationof beta chain Hb – C?
Explain how you arrived at your answer for part i.
All DNA molecules have the same basic structure: a double-stranded helix. How many different kindsof RNA are there?1 + 1 + 1 = 3 marks
Biology – Sample examination questions – Version 2 – May 2006 6​
Different sequences in DNA lead to the production of proteins containing different sequences of amino acids.This is called the primary structure of a protein.​
d. i.​
Explain the difference between the primary and tertiary structure of a protein.
Give one example of a structural protein.1 + 1 = 2 marksTotal 9 marks
Question 3Key knowledge: Nature of biochemical processesKey skills:​
Aspects of all three areas
• Investigate and inquire scienti​
fi cally• Apply biological understanding and• Communicate biological information and understanding
The breakdown of sucrose into glucose and fructose is catalysed by the enzyme, sucrase. In an experiment aseries of eight test tubes was set up and the same concentration of the sucrase was added to each tube. Each tubediffered from the next in the concentration of sucrose that was added. All other variables were kept constant.The rate at which sucrose was converted to glucose and fructose was recorded.​
Construct one hypothesis that could be tested by this experiment.1 markThe results of the experiment are shown in the following table.
Concentrationof sucrose( molarity)Rate ofreaction(arbitrary units)​
0.0 0.00.05 2.10.1 2.60.15 3.00.2 3.30.25 3.40.3 3.40.35 3.4​
Draw a graph to display the results of the experiment. Plot the concentration of sucrose on the horizontalaxis and the rate of reaction on the vertical axis.2 marks
Biology – Sample examination questions – Version 2 – May 2006 7​
Explain whether the results of the experiment support the hypothesis that you made in part a. of thisquestion.1 markIn the experiment above, glucose and fructose can be fl ushed down a sink with water. This treatment is notpossible in all biological experiments.
d. i.​
Name one chemical used in a biological experiment that could not be disposed of in this manner.
Explain your answer to part i.2 marksTotal 6 marks
Biology – Sample examination questions – Version 2 – May 2006 8​
Questions from past exam papers​
Many of the questions on past papers have relevance to the revised Biology Study Design (2006–2009) andcan continue to be used by teachers. Because of the introduction of new key knowledge, for example detailsabout signalling molecules and how they operate, some questions could be extended by the addition of partsthat speci​
fi cally address these new areas.A few examples of appropriate questions are given below.
1997 Written examination 1Question 3Key knowledge: Immune response – passive and active immunityKey skills:​
Aspects of all three areas
• Investigate and enquire scienti​
fi cally• Apply biological understandings• Communicate biological information and understandings2003 Written examination 1Multiple-choice Questions 24 and 25Key knowledge: Specifi c immune responseKey skills:
Aspects of two areas
• Investigate and enquire scienti​
fi cally• Apply biological understandings2004 Written examination 1Multiple-choice Questions 1 and 2Key knowledge: Coordination and regulationKey skills:
Aspects of two areas
• Investigate and enquire scienti​
fi cally• Apply biological understandings2004 Written examination 1Multiple-choice Questions 17 and 18Key knowledge: Coordination and regulationKey skills:
Aspects of two areas
• Investigate and enquire scienti​
fi cally• Apply biological understandings
Biology – Sample examination questions – Version 2 – May 2006

این یک سریشه!:103:

Anonymous MR

New Member
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لایک ها
پاسخ : نمونه سوال المپیاد زیست(انگلیسی)

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